Become a confident manager and say the tough things with kindness.
Using our fun and modern techniques.
No waffle. No theory!
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Our fun free guides will teach you a side to being a manager you've never seen before! With modern and fun explanations.
Saad Qureshi
Being a manager
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A variety of ways learn

Live WorkshOPS
Join monthly online workshops only for managers. Meet others like you, and learn crucial skills from how to communicate to senior leaders to managing your team member's performance and more.
Business challenges
Choose a business case study and learn to make tough business decisions fast. From saving a company's reputation to preventing a major delay to a product roll out. Get practical tips and cheat sheets.
Dive deeper into managerial skills with our online self-paced interactive courses. Study a range of modules at your own pace, from strategic thinking to building a team or project delivery.

Learn to make tough business decisions, fast!

Use our practical Mini Business Stories to make decision, whether to go digital or how to save your reputation

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Passion for fashion
Proudly claiming to be sustainable, Love Clothes, how should a growing sustainable clothes charity change to a digital company?
10 mins
Banning households
Netflix are rolling out a controversial new pricing plan. It will ban households from sharing passwords. Will Jennie deal with her personal feelings?
8 mins
Heart over head
Can you help Meridian navigate new regulatory change? A big test is about to hit the housing provider
10 mins
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Game on or game over?
A game changing strategy. How should you communicate why DRIV Games is cutting 50% of its games?
8 mins
Not everything is comfy
Maryam, a Store Manager at Atomic Furniture senses something is bubbling between two of her departments. Will she uncover the truth.
7 mins
Facing the music
Jerome needs to communicate expanding his record label to Latin America. How would you do this? 
7 mins

Dive deeper into managerial skills

Develop managerial skills and earn a certificate along the way

Frequently asked questions

What's the difference between a course and a workshop?

Our workshops are live online and where you can meet other managers. Our courses and mini business stories are "self directed" - you study these by yourself when it suits you.

Do I get a certificate with a course?

YES! After you complete a course you can download a digital certificate and a digital badge. After a workshop you'll be emailed a certificate of completion within 48 hours. Mini Stories don't currently come with certificates. 

I have an issue at work can I get some advice?

We advise you speak to your line manager in the first instance, but don't worry, if you still need support contact us at and we'll help best we can.

I'm not yet a manager, is your content for me?

Our content is user friendly, to help experienced as well as those new to management. It's never too early to start. 

Join managerkind

"I've been expected to just manage. My previous organisations had a lack of investment in management training. I especially like Managerkind's strategic thinking course that made me think differently about my workload and my team. The case studies are fresh and modern."
"I didn't know what I was walking into as a manager. I had much more responsibility. Managerkind understands the feelings and emotions I go through. I feel less alone now. The platform has everything!"
"When I was a manager at 25 I found it difficult to be bold and have tough conversations. The team at Metron have helped me massively boost my confidence. I can speak to senior managers now, it's like I've learnt a new language. I wish I had the Mini Exec certificate back then."

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and take it to the next level!