
Develop managerial skills and earn a certificate along the way
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Mini Stories

Tackle business challenges from taking operations digital to changing company policy!

Passion for fashion
Proudly claiming to be sustainable, Love Clothes, how should a growing sustainable clothes charity change to a digital company?
10 min
Banning households
Netflix are rolling out a controversial new pricing pan. It will ban households from sharing passwords. Will Jennie deal with her personal feelings?
8 min
Heart over head
Can you help Meridian navigate new regulatory change? A big test is about to hit the housing provider
12 min
Game on or game over?
A game changing strategy. How should you communicate why DRIV Games is cutting 50% of its games?
8 min
Fast paced energy
Muhammad is a fast paced guy launching his energy drinks business. How can you help his team feel less overwhelmed?
7 min
Facing the music
Jerome needs to communicate expanding his record label to Latin America. How would you do this? 
7 min
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"I've been expected to just manage. My previous organisations had a lack of investment in management training. I especially like Metron's strategic thinking course that made me think differently about my workload and my team. The case studies are fresh and modern."
"I didn't know what I was walking into as a manager. I had much more responsibility. Metron understands the feelings and emotions I go through. I feel less alone now. The platform has everything!"
"When I was a manager at 25 I found it difficult to be bold and have tough conversations. The team at Metron have helped me massively boost my confidence. I can speak to senior managers now, it's like I've learnt a new language. I wish I had the Mini Exec certificate back then."
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