Get exposure to business scenarios and develop your skills!

Tired of not getting enough exposure at work? Want to develop new skills without the additional responsibility? Use our practical Mini Business Stories and learn to make tough business decisions, fast!
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Pick a story
and scenario

Get exposure to tackle real challenges from dealing with customer complaints, or what to do when your client is dissatisfied

Test yourself 
to develop your skills

Test yourself with multiple choice tests, short answers and true and false scenarios. Take away practical tips or suggested answers!

Make better decisions 
at work immediately!

Feel more confident in tackling business challenges. Apply the new skills in your role and get ahead in your career.

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Use our practical Mini Business Stories to make decisions

Empty space, drag to resize
Passion for fashion
Proudly claiming to be sustainable, Love Clothes, how should a growing sustainable clothes charity change to a digital company?
10 mins
Banning households
Netflix are rolling out a controversial new pricing plan. It will ban households from sharing passwords. Will Jennie deal with her personal feelings?
8 mins
Heart over head
Can you help Meridian navigate new regulatory change? A big test is about to hit the housing provider

10 mins
Empty space, drag to resize
Game on or game over?
A game changing strategy. How should you communicate why DRIV Games is cutting 50% of its games?

8 mins
Not everything is comfy
Maryam, a Store Manager at Atomic Furniture senses something is bubbling between two of her departments. Will she uncover the truth.
7 mins
Facing the music
Jerome needs to communicate expanding his record label to Latin America. How would you do this?
7 mins

/What our learners say

Read stories of people who have developed their skills as a manager!
I love the concept of these stories. They pack a punch and really helped me test my skills.
N Matias
The best story was the Love Clothes one. Its such a simple story and I found myself empathising with the characters. And came out with some skills on how to decide if I should take operations online.
The stories are awesome, but the tips and cheat sheets is where I get the real value. I can compare them with my answers and use them at work.

Our universe of stories and characters are expanding!

On 1st May 2024 we're launching 30 more business stories! Sign up below to get free access for the first 2 weeks to celebrate our launch.
Thank you!
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.